Let me Help

Site Content

Services include

  • Personal & Business tax services
  • Tax Planning
  • Payroll Tax & Returns
  • Busines financial check ups & advice
  • Estate planning
  • Business turn around and restructuring experience
  • Owe taxes - offers in compromise & state petition for abatement experience

Special Projects

  • Structured employee buyout of foundry and used industrial revenue bonds to finance. Plant break-even at 30% of its capacity.
  • Revised cost accounting systems to improve timeliness of information flow and accountability.
  • Improved construction documentation and information flow with results going to an improved bottom line.
  • Structured refinancing of extractive energy company resulting in reduction of $12 million in debt and profitability.
  • Designed several specific use forms for improved business information gathering and profitability.

Contact Greg

Contact by Email

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Greg Hughes CPA

9021 SW 24th St, Topeka, Kansas 66614, United States

(785)271-0262 or (785) 845-6455 greg@greghughescpa.com

Please call or email to setup an appointment.